
Technical Support Questions

What should I do if the devices are not reporting?

How can I allow someone else to view my vehicles?

How can I change the name and icon of the vehicle?

How to identify a possible violation in the device connection by employees?

If the device disconnects just when the owner wants to know the location of their vehicle and then reconnects automatically, or if a violation is detected when checking the connection, it’s important to consider the possibility that an employee may have tampered with the device. Sometimes, the employee may have disconnected and reconnected the device by simply removing and reinserting the fuse. In summary, when you observe random disconnection and reconnection without apparent reason, it may seem like interference, but it’s actually unusual behavior and requires thorough investigation.

"I can't access my account."

Step 1: Format Verification. Ensure that the text is correctly written, checking for capitalization and spaces.

Step 2: User Existence Confirmation

Step 3: Email Address Correction

If it is an email address, identify the ‘dot sign’ (period). Place a space after this sign and ensure that the first letter of the email address is capitalized.

How to pay for the service from our payment platform?

Why does the report provide only 450 entries when I request an extended period?

"Followapp is not appearing on Google Play."

The reason you may not be able to find FollowApp could be that your mobile phone is old or doesn’t meet the minimum operating requirements. Even though we’ve sent you the download link, you might not be able to successfully install it. Android consistently asks us to update the application and stop supporting older devices.

What is the procedure to follow if I notice several mobile devices in my account that belong to my employees?

What happens is that when a user installs the application on their mobile phone, it automatically generates a new device associated with that phone. This is a default setting. However, if you do not wish to view the device, you can configure it to no longer send location information and make it non-visible.

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